Ge J AJCS09DCA 8900 BTU Air Conditioner is a Thru-Wall/Window air conditioner which has an energy efficiency rating of 9.5 EER and a cooling capacity of 8,900 BTU/hr.
Compared to all other air conditioners on the other hand Ge J AJCS09DCA 8900 BTU Air Conditioner has a much less cooling capacity (19% less), and moderately less energy efficiency rating (7% less).
Compared to all other air conditioners on the other hand Ge J AJCS09DCA 8900 BTU Air Conditioner has a much less cooling capacity (19% less), and moderately less energy efficiency rating (7% less).
Compare with other Air Conditioners
Ge J AJCS09DCA 8900 BTU Air Conditioner | VS | All other Air Conditioners |
Other Features | |||||
Moisture Removal |
2.5 Pt/h (2.05 Pt/h lower than average)
vs |
4.55 Pt/h
Dimensions | |||||
Width |
26 in. (1.89 in. higher than average)
vs |
24.11 in.
Height |
15.63 in. (91.34 in. lower than average)
vs |
106.97 in.
Depth |
16.88 in. (2.81 in. lower than average)
vs |
19.69 in.
Product Codes | |||||